This document will guide us thru the process of creating a custom SRMS invoice for all Samsung R&M work.  It's recommended to run invoicing earlier in the week, not Thursday evening to provide time to resolve any invoice issues by Friday.

    Samsung Processing Timeline:

      FRIDAYS -- R&M Coordinators (Level 1 Approval ) and PMs (Level 2 Approval) review and approve Invoices

      MONDAYS -- R&M Senior Manager (Level 3 Approval) approved Invoices
      TUESDAYS -- Premium will receive a confirmation email for the submitted batches 

        ** if the invoices are not in SRMS by Friday morning, they will be missed and will not be processed until the following week


Job ID Job Description Thru Date  CS Mgr
60381 SAMSUNG HE WMT & Sam's Club R&M - EMERGENCY  12/31/2020 Allison
60382 SAMSUNG HE WMT & Sam's Club R&M - ROUTINE 12/31/2020
60383 SAMSUNG HE WMT & SAM'S CLUB R&M-PSP  12/31/2020
60440 SAMSUNG HE BBY R&M - Merch 100% 12/31/2020
60759 SAMSUNG HE REGIONAL RETAILER R&M - Merch - 100% 12/31/2020
61023 SAMSUNG HE R&M - L2 100% 12/31/2020
61249 Samsung HE R&M - L2 (POP) 100% 12/31/2020

PART 1: Creating the Invoices for SRMS


  1. Create the Invoice in the QTRAX Billing Application in PREMIUM CLOUD
    • Create Invoice will only pull in Service Orders that are associated to COMPLETED Work Orders
    • Create Invoice will not pull in Service Orders that exceed the "DO NOT EXCEED" amount in SRMS.  
      • Client Services will need to work with SRMS to increase DNE value on Work Orders that are hung up.
      • Add Note in SRMS "DNE APPROVED" once we have approval for the amount

  2. Follow the normal invoicing steps to get the rows prepared for export
    • Review the Miscellaneous Details
    • Confirm any Special Pay (Mileage, Additional Labor Hours, Etc.)
    • Confirm any Shipping Costs
    • Review each "DNE APPROVED" SOID 
    • Adjust or exclude any cost associated to the SOID to ensure the amount is less than or equal to the updated DNE value 
    • Enter in PO Number

  3. Once the invoice is ready to go - Export the SRMS file from QTRAX Invoice MDB by doing the following:
    • At this point in time DO NOT APPROVE the Invoice!!
    • Click the Export to Excel tab in the Invoicing Application
    • Click the Export SRMS rows button


      4.  A browser will open in the PREMIUM CLOUD machine and you will have to login to QTRAX.  Once you do so, it will automatically start to download the file

       5. Select the "Save As" option and browse to the P:\ Drive -  

            P:\PROJECTS FOLDER\Samsung R&M\Invoice Files\YYYY-MM\WK00

       6. Open the CSV file in EXCEL on your local machine and save it as an XLSX file.

            The CSV file does not need to be saved in the P drive; just the XLSX file is needed

       7. Open the EXCEL and confirm there are ZERO entries with an Invoice Text = "Work Order has other SOIDs needing to be pulled into invoice."

  • If zero entry has the Invoice Text proceed to step 8
  • If one entry has the Invoice Text reach out to IT to remove the WO from the invoice.  Once the WO is removed proceed to step 8

       8. Email the SRMS file to

           IMPORTANT: Email Subject must contain the word "[summary]"

           IMPORTANT: Email can only contact one attachment

           IMPORTANT: Email attachment must be an XLSX file

If the file you sent is successfully processed, then you will get a response from with the following subject:

Vendor Invoice Upload Completed - #FILE NAME#.xlsx

Vendor invoices have been uploaded successfully

If the file you sent was not successfully processed then you will get a response from with the following subject:

Vendor Invoice Upload Completed -  #FILE NAME#.xlsx 

(It will list the errors / reasons for failure in the body)

You must try to resolve all errors and resubmit the specific WO that was rejected or the BQMS and Premium Invoice amount will not reconcile

PART 2: Verifying the Invoice files from SRMS

  1. SRMS will email an invoicing batch file back to us via email once the file has been processed (see timeline above)

  2. Save the invoicing batch file(s) to this folder location:   P:\PROJECTS FOLDER\Samsung R&M\Invoice Files\YYYY-MM\WK00\Return Files\

  3. Drag the email into the folder to save the .msg email file (with attachments) as a backup.

  4. Open the Batch XLSX file that was returned from SRMS

  5. Create a new column to the right of "Vendor Invoice #" and name it "QTRAX Invoice Number"

  6. Use this EXCEL FORMULA to parse out the QTRAX Invoice Number from the Vendor Invoice # field   =LEFT(A11,6)

  7. Use a PIVOT TABLE to confirm that the totals in the return EXCEL file match the totals in the associated QTRAX invoice(s)

  8. If the totals in the PIVOT TABLE match the total in the QTRAX INVOICE(S), then mark those Invoice(s) as APPROVED
  9. Email Christy Foster and Clark Srum with the QTRAX Invoice Numbers that have been approved and should be grouped together into one Accounting Invoice.
    • This grouped Accounting Invoice will be submitted to BQMS as a single file

  10. If the totals in the PIVOT TABLE do not match the total in the QTRAX INVOICE(S), then do not mark any Invoice(s) as APPROVED.  Reach out to IT to help resolve the issue

PART 3: Submitting to BQMS

  1. See Clark 
  2. Now that we have approved invoice rows we can submit those invoices to the BQMS system.