Mileage is paid on certain programs and in accordance with city and state law.

How does a rep qualify for Mileage?

Currently, there are two ways:

  1. They live in CA where all store-to-store mileage is compensable for all employees
  2. They are part of a Management Group that is set to pay mileage.

How can I tell if my rep is getting mileage?

There are also two ways to see this:

  1. Look at a closed timesheet.  If it shows the mileage indicators at the bottom of the timesheet, then they are currently mileage eligible.
  2. Look at the REP OVERVIEW.  If the State=CA or if the Attributes tab has a checkmark next to "Mileage Program" (other attributes >> Profile Info >> Mileage Program) then they get mileage

When can my rep enter mileage?

  1. They must have reported ALL Service Orders on the Timesheet before the mileage input will appear
  2. They must have at least 1 Service Order for an actual physical location (i.e. not a  NO VISIT Service Order)
  3. They must be eligible for mileage (see above).