How do you get to the new “Web” form?  




Enter the job number and go to the Job Dashboard and look for the “Enter Payroll Records” button”.  The “Enter Payroll Records” button will appear only on TSDE job types (True TSDE job types only)


 Search for the Location/Service Order to enter both Premium employee records and Temp agency records or scroll down the list and then select the location. 


Example searching for 1240.  The search will begin to reduce the list of locations as you type



Search Bar

  1. Search for your location with key words or numbers
  2. Select your location form the list box
  3. Begin to add records.


Add Rep Button (poorly named):  Is where you add Premium employee time and/or expense (mileage/per diem, etc.)

Add Agent:  Is where you add temp agency time records (SASR, Atlantic Coast,





Enter Premium time records (under the “Add Rep” button)


  1. Search by rep name or rep ID
  2. Choose the date worked
  3. Select the type of pay (Labor Team Leader or Team Member, mileage, expenses, etc.)
  4. Enter the quantity of hours worked (you can choose to skip or enter the check in or checkout fields)
  5. Notes about the Rate field
    • Rate will auto populate  based upon the job TL or TM rate.  
    • Rates will appear with rate factors. (The rate factor calculation will be shown above the rate)
    • If the location minimum wage is higher than job rate the minimum wage will be used – so don’t change it.  
    • Amount will automatically calculate and description will default based on the type of pay.




If you need to enter mileage under the “No Store Visit required”, search for the location “1”



If you want to see the Add Rep or Add Agency button – Press Cancel to go back to the menu (this needs to be clearer)




Add Agency(add time records for the temp agency reps)

  1. Search by rep name or rep ID
  2. Choose the date worked
  3. Select the type of pay (Team Leader or Team Member labor, mileage, expenses, etc.)
  4. Enter the quantity of hours worked (you can choose to skip or enter the check in or checkout fields)

Rate: will appear $.01






Premium employees listed on a “paper worksheet” that have not made it thru onboarding can still be entered under the PRS – New Rep (agency 53), juts like we do today.  We need to remember to go back and find and update the rep ID for any reps listed under Agency 53.



