Remove a Fraudulent Service Order

  1. Unlock the Timesheet where the Service Order is located
    1. You can look at the VISIT DATE of the Service Order to determine which Timesheet to open                                         
  2. Unlock the Service Order that was fraudulent
  3. Search for the REP in QTRAX
  5. Open the Timesheet
  6. Click the UNSCHEDULE button next to the Service Order to remove it from the Timesheet
  7. Submit the Timesheet
  8. Notify the Account Manager that the SO was reported fraudulently so they can VOID or have it reassigned


Change the Hours of an SO to be correct

  1. Unlock Timesheet
  2. Unlock Service Order in question
  3. Open the Timesheet
  4. Attempt to change the Hours Worked on the Service Order.
    1. If you can modify the Hours Worked to the appropriate value – DO IT!
    2. If you cannot modify the Hours Worked, then do these steps:
      1. Click ENTER DATA on the Service Order in question
      2. Find the Pay Question and change it to the appropriate time
      3. Click CHECK OUT to close the Service Order
      4. Modify the Hours Worked on the Timesheet to be the correct amount
  5. Submit the Timesheet


Move Hours/SOs from one Timesheet to another

  1. Unlock Timesheet(s)
    1. Must unlock the TS that you’re moving hours FROM and that you’re moving hours TO
  2. Unlock Service Order(s) in question
  3. Open the Timesheet
  4. Attempt to change the Hours Worked on the Service Order.
    1. If you can modify the Hours Worked to the appropriate value – DO IT!
    2. If you cannot modify the Hours Worked, then do these steps:
      1. Click ENTER DATA on the Service Order in question
      2. Find the Pay Question and change it to the appropriate time
      3. Click CHECK OUT to close the Service Order
      4. Modify the Hours Worked on the Timesheet to be the correct amount
  5. Submit the Timesheet

Close Open Timesheets for an INACTIVE/MIA Rep

  1. Open Timesheet
  2. If any SOs have ENTER DATA button – click it
    1. CHECK OUT of that SO (if possible)
  3. If you couldn’t CHECK OUT, then just UNSCHEDULE the SO
  4. Submit Timesheet

           ****When visiting the reps website, if you are directed to the new hire paperwork, restore 1st day worked date and thentry again.  After closing the timesheet, make sure to remove the 1st day works information placed to         

                achieve this. 


Holiday Pay got created under wrong Group

  1. Go to the Rep Website
  2. Click on the Timesheet for the Holiday in question
  3. Find the SOID for the Holiday pay and UNLOCK it
  4. VOID/EXCLUDE the Holiday Pay Service Order
  5. If within 4 days of the Holiday, QTRAX will automatically re-add under the correct group during nightly processing.
  6. If Holiday pay is more than 4 days ago, then IT will need to manually execute the Holiday stored proc.


Full-Time Rep assigned under the wrong Management Group

  1. Contact the managers to determine which group/manager is right

  2. IF current PTO/BILLING attribute is right, but MANAGER is wrong:
    1. Have the current primary Manager go into their view and mark the rep as NOT IN USE.   This should trigger QTRAX to assign a new Primary Manager, which should be the correct manager.

  3. IF current MANAGER is right, but PTO/BILLING attribute is wrong:
    1. Go to the Attributes tab and change the checkmark to the correct PTO/Billing item.


Adjust PTO balance for Terminated/Resigned Rep

  1. Put a FAKE FT Effective Date into the rep so that you can adjust PTO
  2. Adjust the PTO as needed and SAVE
  3. Adjust the PTO back to 0 to create a PTO payout for the rep
  4. Remove the FAKE FT Effective Date from the rep


Fix Incorrect PTO Payout

  1. Open the Timesheet with the payout and UNLOCK it
  2. Copy the SOID of the PTO Payout
  3. Search for the SOID in QTRAX
  4. Unlock the Service Order
  5. VOID & EXCLUDE the Service Order
  6. Put in a fake FT Effective Date (i.e. 1/1/1999)
  7. Click Load/Adjust PTO balance to load the correct payout balance
  8. Now Adjust the balance back to 0 (make sure you check the PAYOUT box)
    1. QTRAX will create a new PAYOUT record for this rep
  9. Open the Timesheet with the Payout and submit it as accurate and complete so that the rep will be compensated
  10. Remove the FAKE FT Effective Date you put in

Schedule a Service Order for a Rep

1.    Open the Timesheet you wish to schedule work on

**NOTE: You cannot use the schedule page for this**

2. Click Add Service Order

3. Select the Service Order you wish to schedule and click the "Add to Timesheet" button