This article explains the general process for seeking Creative Services from Premium Productions and/or Marketing on behalf of a customer initiative.

Please try and follow this workflow:

  1. Client Services initiates contact with Creative Services by submitting a Marketing Request:

  2. Creative Services provides an estimate of the cost the project back to the initiator.

  3. Client Services receives approval from the client on the project budget before we begin (written agreement required)

  4. Client Services creates, or leverages an existing billing job that Creative Services will invoice against.

  5. Creative Services performs the project. The actual hours and billable items are captured by Creative Services.

  6. Creative Services will create and email a video production invoice (internal only) from the Harvest software app to accounting (Nancy, me, BC and Josh) and the Client Services contact(s) only.  
    1. Nothing is sent to the customer at this stage.  
    2. The Creative Services invoice lists the job number, client and invoice amount.

  7. Accounting enters the invoice total into QTrax using a billing code of “Video” on the job listed on the attachment/internal invoice from Creative Services.

  8. Client Services creates a normal QTrax invoice.  
    1. The amount entered by Accounting for the Creative Services will appear on the QTrax invoice.  
    2. Client Services follows the normal QTrax billing processes. 

Important Notes

  • IT Created a report for Creative Services to monitor if Client Services followed thru with billing the amount in QTrax. If a Creative Service project does not appear on this report it has not been invoiced. They will contact Client Services to determine the reason.  

  • Billing is often performed at the beginning of the month for the prior month services so there can be a delay.  

  • The AcctCode used in QTrax must be “Video” in order for this report to show the billing.  Accounting enters the “Video” AcctCode when the billing reminder is added to QTrax so there should be no reason for the AcctCode to be changed by Client Services.