Step 1: Go to P:\Documentation\New Hire Paperwork\CANADA\ and copy the "Master" folder and paste it as a new folder.

Step 2: Rename the new folder you created to the current year (i.e. "2021")


        Note: If our New Hire Packet or Consent Forms have changed since last year, please update the files in your new folder and keep the file names as they are!

Step 3: Get the updated Canadian Federal AND Provincial TD1 forms.  Typically, our Payroll Provider (PEO Canada) will provide these via email when they are available.

        Note: If any of the PDF forms have security built into them that will block the merging process. To get around this you will need to "print" them and choose the PDF Creator as your printer.


Step 4: Rename the Federal TD1 forms (accordingly) to the names below and save them in the folder we created in STEP 1 (i.e. the "2021" folder).

  • Federal_TD1_English.pdf
  • Federal_TD1_French.pdf


Step 5: Rename each Province Tax Credit Return form to “td1[province abbreviation].pdf” and save them in the folder we created in STEP 1 (i.e. the "2021" folder) .  See the list below for the names:

  • td1AB.pdf
  • td1BC.pdf 
  • td1MB.pdf 
  • td1NB.pdf 
  • td1NL.pdf 
  • td1NS.pdf 
  • td1NT.pdf 
  • td1NU.pdf 
  • td1ON.pdf 
  • td1PE.pdf 
  • td1SK.pdf 
  • td1YT.pdf 

        Note: For Quebec, since we need both English and French version of paperwork add a “-e” or “-f” at the end of the filename to specify which version it is. (i.e.: td1qc-e.pdf for the English version)


  • td1QC-e.pdf    (English version)
  • td1QC-f.pdf     (French version)

Step 6:  In the folder you've been working in, there should be a file named mergePDFs.bat. Double-click it to run the process of merging all of the PDF files into a master PDF for each Province. When the pop-up window tells you to “Press any key to continue...”. That’s it, you’ve made your PDF files!

         Note: If you hit any errors, please refer to the note in Step 3!  The only file we've seen have a problem in the past is the QUEBEC TD1.  So, you might need to open the PDF and "Print" that one to a PDF Printer.

Step 7:  Open the newly created files (NewHirePacketXX.pdf) and make sure they look correct, with the New Hire Packet info, Consent Form, Federal TD1, and Provincial TD1 in the proper order.

Step 8: If everything looks good - Let IT know that the files are ready to deploy, and the path of the folder to find the files, so that they can update the website accordingly!