A Client represents a singular business unit that may consist of multiple sub segments. Has a single Retail Link login credential.

Business Division represents a segment of a client. This segmenting of a client can be internal to the client or for reporting purposes.

The Client and Business Division Name is really important for reporting in the Smartcom system. The client name is used as the directory in which all reports for said client will be stored. The business division name is used to identify to which segment of a client a particular report belongs. Most of our clients have a single business division and the AE may not specify that they want to change both, but they more than likely do so go ahead and change both if they are the same. Clients and business divisions can be found in the p-retailmasterdata database on the Azure server p-sqldatabase1.database.windows.net in the Smartcom Azure tenant (may need to setup security if we need to enable lookups).

Currently, our Master Data Maintenance support tool does not support updating these fields but will in the near future. For now, we must rely on a web service client like Postman and must be connected to our office network. The endpoints are as follows:

Client: http://retailmasterdata-prod.premierconcepts.com/v1/clients/schemaname/{clientSchemaName}

Business Division: http://retailmasterdata-prod.premierconcepts.com/v1/businessdivisions/schemaname/{businessDivisionSchemaName}

If changing the client name, go to \\vm-ben-fs01.corp.premiumretail.com\smartcom-reports and change the corresponding directory name first (note the '&' translates to "_AND_" and '/' to "_OR_").

Then, replace the {schemaName} tags with the appropriate value as in the image below, change the action to GET and click the Send button.

Next, copy the JSON body from the result pane. Then change the action to PUT and paste the results body of the previous request in the request body as shown below. You can remove the Links field as it is not required when updating the value. Note that you can't update the schema name or the version (version is updated for you via the web service). If you try to change the schema name, you'll end up creating a new client/business division. Next, change the description and click Send. The results pane will return the modified object to you.

For now, we also need to manually update the Client table on p-datawarehouse1 database on the server p-datawarehouse0.database.windows.net as pictured. A planned data factory job will eventually handle this for us. It already exists for Business Division so no change is needed for it.

Finally, send a message to dataacquisitionteammembers@premiumretail.com alerting them of the change so they can update the Retail Link password spreadsheet.