Active Messages are meant to help us identify where the system is going slow and may help us identify areas that need improvement and may include us increasing resources. I usually document these in a spreasheet and verify that everything is running in Service Bus Explorer (make sure that counts decrease) or Graylog (in case more message are being pushed than our resources can handle, this shows that it is still working). Use the spreadsheet in the Deadletter Message article to help search Graylog.

At the end of the month, I will go over what I have noted and if I only have one or 2 instances and the counts are near the threshold. I usually don't do anything. The message is doing what it is supposed to be doing. If I have more or the counts are much larger than the threshold, I'll mention to the team so we can see if there is anything we can address and/or I will increase the ActiveMessageThreshold on the Admin DB. On the Admin DB, these are stored on the ProcessParameter table with the ProcessName = 'ResourceMonitor' and the ParameterName = 'ActiveMessageThreshold'.