Tables that track runs:
[Integrations].[dbo].[360ExtractRun] - Main pipeline stores here
[Integrations].[dbo].[360ExtractPipelineRun] - Individual dataset pipelines store here
[Integrations].[dbo].[360ExtractVersion] - Keeps track of current version for pipelines
[Integrations].[dbo].[360ExtractParameter] - Begin date parameters start here if dataset is too large and we need to limit
Azure Data Factories:
2 patterns are followed for the pipelines: 1 with a parameter and 1 without. Make sure to lookup which ones have parameters so you know which ones to clone.
If you need to debug a pipeline, I use the below query to get my parameters;
SELECT LOWER(newid()), format(GETUTCDATE(), 'yyyyMMddHHmmss')