SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Client] WHERE MdmId In ( SELECT DISTINCT C.MdmId FROM [coordinator].[ServiceRequestGroupConfiguration] A JOIN [coordinator].[ConfigurationClient] B ON A.[Id] = B.[ServiceRequestGroupConfigurationId] AND B.[Active] = 1 JOIN [dbo].[Client] C ON B.[ClientId] = C.[Id] LEFT JOIN [threesixty].[MasterDataMapping] D ON D.[MappedId] = C.[MdmId] AND D.[MappedType] = 'Acosta Client' AND D.[IsActive] = 1 AND D.[EntityType] = 'Client' WHERE A.[Active] = 1 AND D.[Id] IS NULL)
Clients with Configs but No Client Mapping
Modified on: Wed, Nov 27, 2024 4:06 PM
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