SELECT LRS.[RequestSourceId] AS RapAlertId, LPS.ProductSourceKey1 AS ProductSku, C.ClientName , SA.MdmStoreId , S.[SName], S.[SStoreNo], SR.* FROM [rap].[RapAlertFile] RAF JOIN [rap].[RapAlert] RA ON RAF.[Id] = RA.[RapAlertFileId] JOIN [coordinator].[LinkedRequestSource] LRS ON LRS.[RequestSourceType] = 'RapAlert' AND LRS.[RequestSourceId] = RA.[Id] JOIN [coordinator].[ServiceRequest] SR ON LRS.[PartitionDate] = SR.[PartitionDate] AND LRS.[ServiceRequestId] = SR.[Id] JOIN [coordinator].[LinkedProductSource] LPS ON LPS.[PartitionDate] = SR.[PartitionDate] AND LPS.[ServiceRequestId] = SR.[Id] JOIN [threesixty].[Sites] S ON S.[SiteID] = SR.[SiteId] JOIN [threesixty].[Clients] C ON C.[ClientID] = SR.[ClientId] JOIN [dbo].[StoreAssociation] SA ON RA.[StoreAssociationId] = SA.MdmHierarchyGroupStoreId WHERE RAF.[PublishId] IN (195380,195381,195382,195383) --WHERE RAF.[FileName] LIKE '%FileName%' --Use if you have file name instead of PublishId ORDER BY SR.ClientId, SR.SiteId, LPS.ProductSourceKey1
RAP Alerts Service Requests by Publish Id
Modified on: Tue, Nov 26, 2024 1:03 PM
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